Rootstown Township Fire Department
The Rootstown Fire station is located in the center of Rootstown @ 4152 Tallmadge Rd, near the intersection of State Route 44 & Tallmadge Rd (County Highway 18), approximately one-half mile South of Interstate 76. The Rootstown Fire Department serves a township, approximately 25 square miles, which is located in Northeastern Ohio between Akron and Youngstown in Portage County. Rootstown is primarily a residential community with light commerce and industry.
Emergency: 911 or (330) 325-1414
Non-emergency number: (330) 325-7233
Fax number: (330) 325-8373
The Rootstown Fire Department is staffed 24 hours a day with a minimum of 2 Full-Time Paramedic/Level II Firefighters working 24 hour shifts. Two Full-Time positions work weekdays 8-4. There are also 28 Part-Time employees. These employees fill two 9 hour slots during weekdays and two 12 hour slots on weekends. 2 Part-Time employees also cover overnight shifts from 9pm to 6am.