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The Rootstown Township Trustees would like residents to be aware the parking ban goes into effect when there are 2 inches of snow or more. Violators will be towed at the owner's expense.

FirstEnergy Electric Companies Offer Tips to Stay Safe and Save Energy During Extreme Cold

Openings for Zoning Commission & Park Commission

Openings are available on two township boards:

The Zoning Commission has an opening for an alternate member position. The Zoning Commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month and reviews amendments to the Zoning Resolution and Zoning Map, as well as development plans. Alternates serve one-year terms which may be renewed each year.

The Park Commission has openings for one member and three alternates. The Park Commission serves as an advisory board, appointed by the Township Trustees to provide recommendations for the community park. The member opening is for a partial term expiring Dec. 31, 2025. Alternates serve one-year terms which may be renewed each year.

These are volunteer positions and not paid employment. You must be a resident of Rootstown Township, and must be available to attend meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 PM (for Zoning Commission) or the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6 PM (for Park Commission). If you are interested, please send a letter of interest to

Zoning Commission

The Rootstown Township Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Rootstown Town Hall, 3988 St. Rt. 44, Rootstown OH on Tuesday February 18th, 2025 at 7:00 PM. Any person interested will be afforded the opportunity to be heard on the following:

Zoning Amendment 2024-013

• Section 460.05 – Standards Applicable To All Wireless Telecommunications Tower Facilities

The proposed zoning amendment can be read in full here.

Jordan Michael, Zoning Commission Secretary

Annual Financial Report

The Rootstown Township Financial Report for the fiscal year ending 2024 has been filed with the Auditor of State. A copy of the report is available for review in the office of the Fiscal Officer by appointment only.

Portage County Health District Assistance

The Portage County Health District is offering financial assistance to low or moderate-income families for the repair or replacement of home sewage treatment systems. To learn more about how they can assist, call
330-296-9919 or visit


Welcome to Rootstown Township's Web Site

Rootstown Township was founded in 1802 and is located in Portage County. Rootstown provides a mixture of living environments, shopping and restaurants while still maintaining its small town character. It is also home to the Northeast Ohio Medical University. With easy access off I76, it is a desirable place for its residents to live and work.

We hope you visit our website often to keep informed of activities and notices listed above that affect the residents of Rootstown. We always welcome your comments and suggestions to make this website useful and informative to all the residents of Rootstown.